With decades of experience working at the intersection of environment, justice and leadership, we understand the challenges of transformation, know the value of ongoing community and are skilled in offering diverse practices and processes that people tell us are invaluable.
The refrain in Michael Rosen’s children’s book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, has much in common with our exploration of what it is to be a leader in this crisis-strewn time.
Responding to the call to step-in wherever we are, at Leading Through Storms we are building a community based on mutual learning, cycles of reflection and action to support our work as conscious leaders; active participants in life. With so much around us collapsing, we face honestly into the massive inner-and-outer-world challenges that come with living in climate, ecological and societal crises.
We meet these troubled times head-on with compassion, creativity, curiosity, and connected-in-nature community, collaborating as citizens (not merely consumers), tasting life fiercely with active hope and love, to midwife the emergence of a more consciously interconnected society.
Whatever part you are called to play in this great re-patterning of human life, our deep wish is to bring our spirit and skill in service of your work.
Each with their own path into this work over many years, Jake, James, Kirstin and Alan Heeks, founder of Hazel Hill Wood, came together in the summer of 2019 in response to the Deep Adaptation work of Jem Bendell.
Unable to convene our first in-person programme due to Covid lockdown, Jake, James and Kirstin instead successfully ran pop-up workshops online. Extending this to offer longer-term communities of practice, we became more and more convinced of the value of this work. In 2021 we formed Leading Through Storms as a Community Interest Company.
Supporting people with the courageous inner work required for wise, timely outer-world leadership, we are a living experiment in collaboration.