Deep Adaptation Papers (2018)
Originally published in July 2018, Jem’s paper caused ripples and waves beyond its originally intended audience of the corporate sustainability field. His research and writing on Deep Adaptation has influenced hundreds of thousands of people to reconsider their lives and work in the face of dangerous climate change & ecosystem collapse. We find the behaviours Jem mentions in his paper incredibly helpful. Ones from which to explore, and act, as leaders, into the emergency. He talks constructively about the energy liberated by facing into the storms, and feeling the emotions rather than suppressing them. This paper is a call for us all to live, now, a deeply adapted life really focussing on what it is to be a human being, a 'no regrets' mitigation and adaptation plan that encourages us to act, strongly, with the underlying systemic issues rather on the symptoms, to create a society resilient to the unfolding multiple crises.
– Kirstin, Jake and James